Monday 7 December 2020

Climate Change

In recent times there is a lot of talk about climate change, but Little is really know abouth him. The climate change is a phenomenon that historically has ocurred naturally in the earth planet, it is a process where various factors trigger a significant change in the weather condition of the planet, It is generally associated with an increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Studies indicate that this phenomenon has ocurred previously due to the eruption of some volcanoes and even is associated with the arrival of the big bang.

The climate change we’re going through actually is a phenomenom that owes its origin mainly to the human activity and how is has modified the naturals conditions that existed until then. Studies indicate that the Industrial revolution generate a inflection point in the moder history, as since then the consumption of fossil fuels and the levels of environmental destruction have increased to meet the growing demand of the product and services asociated with a model of consumptión prevailing in the actual society.

In the present, the mining extraction, the monocultures and the destruction of the marine ecosystems are the main causes of deterioration of the ecosystems that accelerates the climate change.

The climate change generate a uncotrolled in the climate conditions, bringin storms where there never were, very raini Winter on some sides and very dry summer in other sides, a acceleration of desertification, among other thing, putting at risk the existence of the planet’s biodiversity and with it place comunities in a state of high vulnerability, including the humanity.

A forms of that we anticipate to this big change coming is taking more sustainable action, that allow to decrease the damage caused, attempting that our actions have a low impact, a low carbon footprint with a low cosumption of fossil fuels and a low water footprint. We must be selective whit our purchasing, always preferring products and services more sustainable, but above all, the most important is that the town is organized and demand the government that take action on the matter, that public policies be developed more sustainable and that international agreements are respected.

Finally it should be noted that whit the great crisis is coming, the survival of the species Will depend of the adaptabilit that we have, generating more resilient comunities ables to adapt to change, this Will be possible only if we can, through the education, deliver the necesary tools to the future generations to take care of the environment and asume a regenerative culture able of to mitigate the impact of climate change. 

Therefore, is now the time of act and generate significant changes in our cultur and together take care of the environment.

You can be the change

Friday 4 December 2020

My future Job

 The work that I dreams is traveling around the world living diferents experiences of learning, where I can teach everything I know and at the same time learn of the different communities and their territories.

I would like to work as a teacher in vulnerable schools, both urban and rural, where, through the environmental education and the environmental protection I can give you tools to future generations to manage to adapt to the times of change that lie ahead, thus generating more resilient communities. I consider that learning processes are multilateral, which is why I believe that in these instances I will also learn a lot from the different communities, learning that will allow me to complement my knowledge about the environment.

Part of my life project is to travel throughout Chile initially and Latin America in a second instance, delivering these educational experiences and learning from the different existing cultures.

To be able to work as a teacher I must specialize and study some pedagogy, I think that the one that interests me the most is basic pedagogy to work with younger children since it is much easier for them to acquire habits with environmental awareness and they are able to instill them in your families .

I would also like to study a postgraduate degree in environmental education abroad to learn about the different methodologies and experiences that are used in the rest of the world.

Thursday 3 December 2020

My Pet


I Have varius pet, three cat and one dog, but my favourite pet is the dog, hir name is Balú, like the black bear from the jungle book. He also is black, he is a mixed dog between a labrador retriever and other dog. He is very big. I found it like ten ago on the Street, he was with his puppy brother, they didn’t had more of one month and I fell in love immediately. Casually that day was my birthday, so I asked my family that we adopt it as my birthday present. 

In the beginning the dog was very destruction, he destroyed mucho f the garden, he had a lot of energy and I had little time to play with him. Today, ten years later, he still has a lot of energy, but this time I do have time for him, we went out at least once a day, we play a lot, he has a ball that is his favourite toy and thanks to that, now the damage it causes to the garden is much les.

When I go out to the field I can’t take it with me and that’s what I miss the most when being away from home, he also misses me and I can notice it when I come back, he wag his tail, jump and ride on me

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Quarantine Hobbies

 Quarantine Hobbie

In this year 2020, very different to other years due, in a first instance to the social outbreak that lived and later the health crisis, I managed to find the most beautiful thing in my. I have been doing many things in my home, some that made me feel whole and other not so much.

In the firts instance with my familia lifted a popular bakery, your name is “The conquest of bread”, insipred in the book of kropotkin, french anarchist. We gave away bread to the neighbors that could need it. The first months were very hard and many people passed hungry, is when class solidarity become the best weapon against this sistema. A long time ago I made and sold bread, so go back to work on it was very comforting.

 I was also watching many series and movies, between them I highlight: “Malcolm in the middle”, “Avatar: The last airbender” and “Full Metal Alchemist”. These series are very entertaining and also allowed me think on some aspects essentials of the life, of the death and human existence.

Finally, one of the things that I most enjoy of this quarantine was having time to work in my garden. This allowed me to continue a work of ecological restauration that I am development some time ago. Also I lifted a nursery garden in the yard of mi house, this allows me to produce enough plant to incorporate in my garden and also to give to my neighbors.

After all, this quarentine wasn’t so bad.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

The Best Holiday

 The best holiday

When I finished the school in the 2014, with my classmates had a study tour a Chiloe, where we toured different parts of the big Island.

In this travel we met the national parck Chiloe, we roded in a boat, we eated “curanto”, we drinked “mate” and danced “chamame”.

I had the posibility of talked with old chilote man, who told me many stories, he taught me much more than my teacher, also I can meet my classmates and in one week of travel I discovered much more about them than in four years de school.

I remember that a night we stay up late singing and play guitar around fire and when it was dawn we realized that a partner, too drunk, had a shoes burning in the fire, IT WAS BURNING!, we all laugh and nobody did anything for him.

This travel was my first experience with the nature, traveling, camping, since then I have not stopped of fall in love of each trip, every chance of am in contact with the forestry.

I hope to return very soon to Chiloe, a magic Island

Visit Euskadi

Visit Euskadi 

The country that would like in a near futuris the Euskadi or Basque Country, autonomous community of Spain, located in the border with Francia.

I like this Country because is a territory with large history of resistance to imposition of divers empires where the native language is still speak.

This is one of the country with higher inversión in I+D, this is reflected in the higher level of economic development and human development

This territory is characterized for present great mountains, where stand out Bosque Mountains, Mountains range of Cantabria and the presence of The Pirineos, mountains that i would like visit. Also i would like visit divers nationals Parks like “natural park Aizkorri”.

I Would like learn about his music and play a “Txalaparta”, Instrumento of Wood similary to a xylophone. Also i would like study about the myths and legends of territory.

Our Gastronomy is very characteristic and similary to the Chilean gastronomy. I Would like eat the “Marmitako” and the “codfish to pil pil”, with a Delicious Txakoli or Wine of Rioja

Finally i would like take part in the San Sebastian Film Festival, one of the more recognized of spanish speaking

Wednesday 17 August 2016

My Pets

Hi, friends.
Today I talk about my pets.

My favorite pet is the turtle, in the actually I am two water turtles: the male is “Sambo” and the female is “Lila”. Two years ago I am three turtles but the smallest turtle died because the water of his aquarium was very hot.
My first pet was a dog, his name was “Lupo”, and he died because he was sick; He was very old. In the actually I have two dogs: “Black” and “Balú”, like the bear of “The jungle book” movie, both are black and look like a Labrador.
This year, in March approximately my dad found a black cat in his work and he carried to my home, this same week, mi brother found other cat: both are female, the name of the black cat  is “Baguira” like the panther of “The Jungle Book” movie and other cat is “Jupiter” because the day that she arrived in my home we can saw to “Jupiter planet” in the sky.
When I had eight years old I had three parakeets but they escape of his cage, also I had two hamsters but the male killed to the female.
I like the animals. Good bye bloggers.